A majority of homeowners greatly appreciate wooden fencing, and this is a reason why you might be thinking about it too. In a way, a fence is similar to replacing the roof of your home because the asking price is always high. A majority of homeowners prefer wooden fences for the numerous advantages they have.

One advantage of wooden fences is that one can easily fix decorations, lights or plants. This means that you can choose to leave it as plain wood forever or later on spruce it with different aspects to give it another look. For instance, if your wooden fence is stained, you just have to re-stain it rather than uproot it. In addition, changing the look is easy, and you can actually apply a stain of a different color according to your tastes and preferences. This is a luxury that chain links or mental fences lack.

Another advantage of wooden fences is that they give your home a natural appearance. If you are a nature lover, a wooden fence can work wonders for your home. With the right kind of lumber, the beauty of a wooden fence is the epitome of infinite diversity. A beautiful wooden fence design executed by the meticulous hands of a prolific carpenter can transpire into a functional work of art.

Despite the attractive merits of wooden fences, there are also a few disadvantages about these fences. One disadvantage and perhaps the most prevalent one is the fact that wooden fences deteriorate very fast. When exposed to adverse weather conditions such as intense sunlight and heavy rain, wood tends to weather and even rot due to moisture. This weakens the structural integrity of a fence causing the poles to collapse. In addition, the fence can lean or even fall. For more information on fencing, contact Sunrise Fence today.