Most neighborhoods within the Charlotte NC area have to answer to an HOA or PMA. An HOA is a Home Owners Association, while a PMA is Property Management Association. Both are pretty much the same thing, although the names are different. Both of these organizations are put in charge of managing how a neighborhood operates. Starting with a budget for streetlights, amenities and even down to how homeowners can make improvements on their properties.

Do I need to check with HOA or PMA before installing a fence?

When you want to have a fence or deck installed, you will most likely need to submit the proper paperwork to your community management in order to have permission. Skipping this step can be costly since most HOA’s do charge a fee or fine if a home improvement is completed without permission. But don’t worry, we have experience working with HOAs and can not only help you through the process but also submit your documents for you if needed.

What are the steps to get HOA approval?

The basic steps to gaining approval from your HOA is to first start with finding your site plan. Your site plan is the plot map that you were given when you purchased your home. Sometimes this map comes with your closing paperwork, or sometimes your realtor sends this to you prior to closing. Without this, you will not be able to submit paperwork to your HOA. The reasoning for this is because you need to make a copy of your site plan and then draw on the site plan approximately where the fence or deck may be installed. HOA’s do this to ensure that you are not planning to install outside of your property lines, or within any type of easements. They also want to be sure the location is allowed per your community covenants.

What is ARC form?

After you do this, you will need to obtain a copy of the ARC form for your neighborhood. The ARC is the Architectural Review Committee. Each neighborhood with an HOA usually has one. This committee will review your site plan and documentation, as well as be the final say in your approval or denial. Contact your management company for this paperwork. Usually, this consists of one or two pages where you will have to fill in basic information about your home or the work to be done. If you do not know who your management company is, contact your real estate agent or you may have to ask a neighbor, or even search online.

What are the usual papers that HOA requires?

Some of the most usual papers that the HOA requires besides the site plan and ARC form will be a copy of the contract between you and your contractor showing who will be performing the work and the specific details of the work to be done. Including an image of the product to be installed may also be required. We have many photos of decks and fences within our website. Use our photo gallery to find the fence style you are having installed, and print off a photo of the fence. Including these items within your submission is vital to a fast response!

HOA’s can help communities be consistent. Following their instructions and approvals will allow for a beautiful community and neighborhood to be developed and grow over time. If you have any issues with your HOA paperwork, call us! We can help you throughout the entire process.